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Do Something Awesome (With Seemingly Insignificant Gifts)

    Here is your one tip on how to do something awesome. But first, a story.

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    Here is your one tip on how to do something awesome.[/wolf_button]

    Most people have heard the story of the “Feeding of the 5000.” Other than the Resurrection, it is the only miracle told in all four Gospels (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:31-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:5-15). This fact alone should make us suspect that it is an important story.

    My favorite version is from the Gospel of John, partially, because John 6 is such an awesome chapter of the Bible.

    Basically, after hearing about the death of John the Baptist, Jesus got on a boat to get away. People found out and crowds came to Him. When Jesus landed, He saw the large crowd and began healing their sick.

    After awhile, people started getting hungry. Now, I am not sure what happened. Maybe they thought it would only be an hour and they would be home in time for lunch. Maybe they assumed it would be catered. Maybe they figured that since there were a bunch of fishermen, there would certainly be a classic Knights of Columbus fish fry. Whatever happened, they didn’t have enough food with them, and they were hungry.

    It was getting late, so the disciples suggested that Jesus send the people home so they could eat. Not satisfied with that option, Jesus suggested that the disciples feed the people. Philip pointed out how much money that would cost so they started to see what they could find from the crowd.

    Let me remind you that the crowd is hungry. If they had food, they wouldn’t be hungry – that is just logic.

    But in John 6:9, Andrew says, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” Exactly! What good is that?

    I love that it is a boy that offers the food. Not a man, but a boy.

    Maybe because he was young, he had a child-like faith. Maybe the adults around him were embarrassed that he was offering 5 pieces of bread and two fish to feed 5000 people. That certainly wasn’t even going to put a dent in the situation.

    But the boy heard that Jesus was asking for some food and he gave everything he had. Even though it seemed insignificant.

    Throughout our lives, we are given challenges and opportunities to do great things. If we focus on our own gifts and abilities, it might seem like we won’t be able to make a difference. You may tell yourself: “I am only one person,” or “I don’t have what it takes.”

    With world hunger, war, mass apathy, and a culture of relativity, it can be overwhelming.

    The truth is, our gifts and abilities might not be enough, and they might be insignificant in the face of large obstacles. But when thousands of people were hungry, one boy gave everything he had. People might have laughed at the small offering, but Jesus takes it, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it, and it becomes not only enough, but there are baskets and baskets of leftovers (John 6:13)!

    The same is true with each of us, regardless of age — young boys and girls, or old men and women. If we give everything to God, regardless of how little that might seem, He will take our offering, bless us, break us of our doubt, and give us to the world. And our gifts and skills will not only be enough, but MORE than enough.

    So what is holding you back from doing something great? How can your strengths give life to the people around you? What could you do if you gave everything you had to God and said, “Here I am, use me to do something great”?

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    “The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.” — Pope Benedict XVI



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    6 thoughts on “Do Something Awesome (With Seemingly Insignificant Gifts)”

    1. Yesterday I was listening to Tony Robbins and he talked about how we tend to accept facts about ourselves and act accordingly. For example, if I say “I am a smoker,” it’s going to be much harder for me to give up smoking because I’ve decided that being a smoker is an integral part of who I am. Children don’t have the complex inner network of mantras that adults do, which allows the boy in the story to see food that could be shared. I think this also connects to the lives of the saints, those who did incredible things and self-described as entirely dependent on God.

    2. It’s the “doing” in do something awesome that resonates most with me. All to often people are more concerned about what it is they think they can’t do or aren’t capable of than taking action. Good action, doing, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential sets off a chain reaction of positive consequences … none of which would take life doing nothing.

    3. Really enjoyed this post, and its message. Especially for young people. Little kids often don’t feel embarrassed by offering everything they have to someone in need. However, once they start recognizing judgement from others (peers, adults, etc.), they often will take a step back and think that what they have to offer…who they are…is not “enough.” When, in reality, they were created “enough.”

      Would like to share it on our youth ministry IG account. Is this okay? Will give credit and post the link to this post in our bio. Thanks 🙂

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