In this podcast:
Dr. Tim O’Malley discusses the secret life of children. Read his blog!
Tony Visinda talks about beards, what chrism smells like, Father’s Day St. Joseph scented beard balm. Also his work with Project YM and keeping youth ministers up with the best material even if they are not professionals.
And then he hosts a game called “Hardcore Saints” where Andrea and Kyle compete. Who will win?
Other Things From the Show:
Kyle talked about his kids “praying for everyone.” Kyle & Andrea discussed graduating from looking for viable spouses to “couples courting” during Mass.
Top 3 Male Saints
- Sebastian – martyr twice, stood for his faith, wouldn’t back down on his faith
- Francis of Assissi – would be a Franciscan, discernment with the CFRs, pilgrimage to Assisi
- Paul- conversion story, willing martyrdom, passion
- St. Joseph – honest love of God and wife
- St. Thomas Moore – martyr for religious freedom, constitutional law, lay person
- St. John Paul the Second – “rockstar of holiness,” set up the Church for holiness
Intern Riley
- St. Longinus – centurion that pierced Christ’s side
- St. Augustine – love for beauty
- St. Padre Pio
Readings & Reflections
Prayer: “Open our eyes to see the wonders of the world”
Pope Francis tweet about growing in community, Pope Francis gives away a scooter to an amputee, Papal phone calls
Catechism quote – Paragraph 3: “professing the faith, living in fraternal sharing, celebrating it in liturgy and prayer.”
Breaking down the daily Mass Readings: Trusting God when we are pushed past our limits (Elijah and cake) and how useless we become is we are not seeking God’s will daily.
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Theme Song:
-Custom music written by Shawn Williams ( for The Kyle Heimann Show
-Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (
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