What are ways to grow in holiness over the summer?
What did a missionary priest do when he found out his parishioners didn’t have food?
In this podcast:
0:58 – Seminarian, Stephen Felicichia stops by with some tips to keep growing in your faith this summer with a summer Evangelization Tool Kit with all kinds of resource
14:04 – Redeemer Radio faithful supporter, Bill Schmitt brings his accordion in the studio for a fun game of Name that Tune including church songs and secular songs
22:30 – And Fr. Christopher Hartley has an amazing story about his work in the sugar cane fields of the Dominican Republic
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Catechism Paragraph of the Week:
410 After his fall, man was not abandoned by God. On the contrary, God calls him and in a mysterious way heralds the coming victory over evil and his restoration from his fall. This passage in Genesis is called the Protoevangelium (“first gospel”): the first announcement of the Messiah and Redeemer, of a battle between the serpent and the Woman, and of the final victory of a descendant of hers.
Tribond Prize donated by “The Thirsting”
Podcast: www.kyleheimann.com
Live: www.redeemerradio.com
Email: show@redeemerradio.com
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Theme Song:
-Custom music written by Shawn Williams (www.musicbyshawnwilliams.com) for The Kyle Heimann Show
-Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (www.thesoundcabin.com)
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- Soundcloud link
- Show Notes: www.kyleheimann.com/show236
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