Why is evidence important for our faith?
What’s a good book?
In this podcast:
0:58 – Lee Strobel, author of “The Case for Christ” will talk about the film by the same title in which he is the main character, an atheist in the middle of two investigations
13:58 – Julie Meyer, the mother of Fr. Jacob Meyer, will stop by the South Bend studio to give us some Book Suggestions including both fiction and non-fiction favorites
- The Faith Explained – by Leo J. Trese http://amzn.to/2vFB9pa
- Walking With God: A Journey through the Bible – by Tim Gray, Jeff Cavins http://amzn.to/2wPbD5Y
- St. Monica: The Power of a Mother’s Love – by Giovanni Falbo http://amzn.to/2vGmDgO
- The Father’s Tale: A Novel – by Michael O’Brien http://amzn.to/2wFRgYr
- The Fool of New York City – by Michael O’Brien http://amzn.to/2wFRn6j
- A Song for Nagasaki: The Story of Takashi Nagai-Scientist, Convert, and Survivor of the Atomic Bomb – by Fr. Paul Glynn http://amzn.to/2wlsMB6
- The Living Wood: Saint Helena and the Emperor Constantine – by Louis de Wohl http://amzn.to/2wONE6V
26:19 – And sticking with the movie and book theme, Andrea and I will give a few suggestions of our own
- Movie suggestions from Kyle
- Arrival http://amzn.to/2wlktoV
- The Case for Christ http://amzn.to/2vGebhH
- Concussion http://amzn.to/2wGf6TT
- The LEGO Batman http://amzn.to/2xupRpZ
- Book suggestions from Andrea
- My Sisters the Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell http://amzn.to/2wGggP0
- The Father Brown Mysteries by G.K. Chesterton http://amzn.to/2wl2zCM
- Severe Mercy by Shelden Vanaucken http://amzn.to/2wFOOB9
Scripture of the Week: Sunday Gospel Matthew 16
Jesus said to him in reply,
“Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah.
For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.
And so I say to you, you are Peter,
and upon this rock I will build my church
Podcast: www.kyleheimann.com
Live: www.redeemerradio.com
Email: show@redeemerradio.com
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Theme Song:
-Custom music written by Shawn Williams (www.musicbyshawnwilliams.com) for The Kyle Heimann Show
-Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (www.thesoundcabin.com)
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- Show Notes: www.kyleheimann.com/show281
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