Why do we go to Mass?
What is the seal of confession?
In this podcast:
0:58 – Catholic Answers Apologist, Trent Horn is back to talk about another chapter from his book, “Why We’re Catholic.” We’ll discuss Why We Go to Mass
- As low as $3 each: shop.catholic.com
- Buy on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2i5iSzT
- Discussion of his book: www.kyleheimann.com/show216
15:02 – We’ll learn more about the Bible and have a little fun at the same time with a game.
21:31 – Fr. Mark Gurtner, from Our Lady of Good Hope parish in Fort Wayne, will chat with us about the Seal of Confession, what exactly that means, and why it’s important
Catechism Paragraph of the Week:
428 Whoever is called “to teach Christ” must first seek “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus”; he must suffer “the loss of all things. . .” in order to “gain Christ and be found in him”, and “to know him and the power of his resurrection, and [to] share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that if possible [he] may attain the resurrection from the dead”.
Podcast: www.kyleheimann.com
Live: www.redeemerradio.com
Email: show@redeemerradio.com
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Theme Song:
-Custom music written by Shawn Williams (www.musicbyshawnwilliams.com) for The Kyle Heimann Show
-Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (www.thesoundcabin.com)
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- Show Notes: www.kyleheimann.com/show283
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