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Podcast 302 – All Women Should Learn to Chart Dr Marguerite Duane – Children Adoration Mariam Schmitz

    Why should all women learn to chart?
    How can children participate in adoration?

    In this podcast:

    0:58 – We’ll share a conversation I had in Denver with Dr. Marguerite Duane about Why All Women Should Learn to Chart, and how different techniques can be used for different women.

    17:05 Mariam Schmitz had an article in the Today’s Catholic and joins us to talk about adoration and how this is being shared with young people in our diocese.

    30:05 – And we’ll play a game to celebrate both, Johnny Appleseed Day and our faith – you’ll see

    Catechism Quote of the Week: 435 Thename of Jesus is at the heart of Christian prayer. All liturgical prayers conclude with the words “through our Lord Jesus Christ”. The Hail Mary reaches its high point in the words “blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” The Eastern prayer of the heart, the Jesus Prayer, says: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Many Christians, such as St. Joan of Arc, have died with the one word “Jesus” on their lips.

    A Prayer for the Way to Peace:

    Father of love, hear my prayer.
    Help me to know Your Will
    and to do it with courage and faith.
    Accept my offering of myself,
    all my thoughts, words, deeds, and sufferings.
    May my life be spent giving You glory.
    Give me the strength to follow Your call,
    so that Your Truth may live in my heart
    and bring peace to me and to those I meet,
    for I believe in Your Love.


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    Theme Song:
    -Custom music written by Shawn Williams ( for The Kyle Heimann Show
    -Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (

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