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Podcast 386 – Lenten Healing Ken Kniepmann – Health Care for Small Business Brad Hahn – Game

    How can we be free of sin?
    What do small businesses have to do with healthcare?

    In this podcast:

    0:58Ken Kniepmann joins us to talk about a book you are going to want to get before Ash Wednesday next week: Lenten Healing – 40 Days to Set You Free from Sin

    15:07Brad Hahn from Solidarity Healthsharing Ministries is going to talk with us about how Small Businesses can provide healthcare for their employees without violating their consciences

    27:33 – And it’s Tuesday, so we’ll have some fun while learning about our faith by playing a game.

    Catechism Paragraph of the Week: 

    457 The Word became flesh for us in order to save us by reconciling us with God, who “loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins”: “the Father has sent his Son as the Savior of the world”, and “he was revealed to take away sins”:

    Sick, our nature demanded to be healed; fallen, to be raised up; dead, to rise again. We had lost the possession of the good; it was necessary for it to be given back to us. Closed in the darkness, it was necessary to bring us the light; captives, we awaited a Savior; prisoners, help; slaves, a liberator. Are these things minor or insignificant? Did they not move God to descend to human nature and visit it, since humanity was in so miserable and unhappy a state?



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    Theme Song:
    -Custom music written by Shawn Williams ( for The Kyle Heimann Show
    -Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (

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