Who was St. John of the Cross?
What book should I read?
In this podcast:
0:58 – Shaun McAfee returns to continue with another Saint from his book, “Reform Yourself” — Sharing some inspiration from St. John of the Cross this Lent
- catholic.com
- Buy on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2tCGLov
14:12 – Everyone is in a different situation, so Brandon Vogt from Word on Fire and Claritas U will make a book recommendation for the various characters I describe
- brandonvogt.com
- Register for claritasu.com
Brandon’s Book suggestions for the following people/characters/situations:
- I don’t know if God exists (Edward Fasser The Last Superstition, William Lang Craig Reasonable Faith, Trent Horn Answering Atheism)
- Science and religion don’t agree (Stacy Trasancos Particles of Faith (we also have an interview – Episode 82), Steven Barr Modern Physics and Ancient Faith)
- What about all the bad things that Catholics/or the Catholic church has done in the past? (Lots of books on specific topics but an overview- Diane Moczar Seven Lies About Catholic History)
- I’m Catholic but have a hard time with some of the teachings? (Austen Ivereigh How to Defend Your Faith Without Raising Your Voice)
- I’m a theology nerd and want something to challenge me (start with the tradition, not the contemporary stuff – Church fathers, Augustine, Cardinal Newman Letters and Correspondence on the Development of Christian Doctrine, St Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica. Contemporary: David Bently Hart The Experience of God, Robert Sokolowski The God of Faith and Reason: Foundations of Christian Theology)
- I just want some entertaining fiction (Classics, The Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, A Wrinkle in Time, Michael O’Brien)
- I’m only going to read one book (Frank Sheed To Know Christ Jesus)
We ran out of time, but I asked Brandon via email for the following suggestions:
- I don’t like to read what is something really simple? (Get a simple life of a saint. The Vision Series, published by Ignatius Press, are simple yet enjoyable.)
- I want to be inspired by the story of a Saint (Anything about the life of St. Damien of Molokai here, here, here, or here or St. Teresa of Calcutta here, here, or here. I have a chapter on both in my book, Saints and Social Justice.)
- I want something to read to my kids who are too young to read (Chronicles of Narnia! Introduce them to Aslan, who is an icon of Jesus.)
- I’m looking for something to give a high school student (C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity. Every young person should read it.)
- I’m only going to read one Brandon Vogt book (Probably my latest book, Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too), which I think is my broadest and most accessible book.)
- Something written by a saint (Augustine’s Confessions (Frank Sheed translation) or Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales.)
- The oldest written book you would recommend (Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. Can’t get much older than that!)
- The most recently written book that you’ve read and would suggest (I don’t read many new books–too many good old ones to read!–but I really enjoyed reading The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. If you use any of those four websites/companies (and most of us use 3-4) this book will offer a fascinating glimpse at what motivates those companies and what they’re striving for in the future, in their quest to become the first trillion dollar company. Most of all, it’s a sobering and scary book for those who think those companies already have too much of a stranglehold on our lives–it seems it will only get worse.)
- I want to learn more about virtue (Check out either Josef Pieper’s books on the virtues (he has 2-3) or Peter Kreeft’s excellent Back to Virtue.)
28:52 – And how about a clip from Fr. Dan Scheidt’s homily which is a nice Lenten pick-me-up (yes please)
Scripture of the Week: Sunday’s Gospel (most famous Bible Quote)
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him might not perish
but might have eternal life.
John 3:16
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Theme Song:
-Custom music written by Shawn Williams (www.musicbyshawnwilliams.com) for The Kyle Heimann Show
-Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (www.thesoundcabin.com)
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