Why was the rezoning vetoed?
How are Mercy and Hope related?
In this podcast:
0:58 – Jenny Hunsberger, the vice president of Women’s Care Center, gives us an update on the rezoning of their building for use in South Bend and the veto that happened
14:02 – Mike Pacer shares how and why we need Mercy and Hope in our lives, and how hope can me more than just a feeling, but actually an action that transforms our lives
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- Buy on Amazon: amzn.to/2HYlLz5
28:01 – And, we learn something about various abbreviations in the world and in the faith with today’s game
Catechism Paragraph of the Week:
469 The Church thus confesses that Jesus is inseparably true God and true man. He is truly the Son of God who, without ceasing to be God and Lord, became a man and our brother:
“What he was, he remained and what he was not, he assumed”, sings the Roman Liturgy. And the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom proclaims and sings: “O only-begotten Son and Word of God, immortal being, you who deigned for our salvation to become incarnate of the holy Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, you who without change became man and were crucified, O Christ our God, you who by your death have crushed death, you who are one of the Holy Trinity, glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us!”
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Theme Song:
-Custom music written by Shawn Williams (www.musicbyshawnwilliams.com) for The Kyle Heimann Show
-Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (www.thesoundcabin.com)
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- Show Notes: www.kyleheimann.com/show442
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