What is the history and value of Religious Art?
What local Religious Art is available?
In this podcast:
0:59 – Charles and Amanda Shepard, from the Fort Wayne Museum of Art, join us to talk about Religious art history, and some things to look for when enjoying it
16:20 – They also take a look at some of the local Catholic art made by local artists that you can see in some of our parishes- things we might not even notice as we walk past
30:19 – And, to stick with the theme, we’ll play a game about patrons of the arts throughout history
Catechism Paragraph of the Week:
471 Apollinarius of Laodicaea asserted that in Christ the divine Word had replaced the soul or spirit. Against this error the Church confessed that the eternal Son also assumed a rational, human soul.
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Theme Song:
-Custom music written by Shawn Williams (www.musicbyshawnwilliams.com) for The Kyle Heimann Show
-Licensed via The Sound Cabin Inc. (www.thesoundcabin.com)
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- Soundcloud link
- Show Notes: www.kyleheimann.com/show452
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