Last updated: Episode 493
Dr. Andrew Abela
Caroline Aduro
Addison Agen
Fr. Zachary Akers
Jimmy Akin
Dominick Albano
- 218: “How Long is Jesus Present in the Eucharist after Communion?”
- 270: “Facebook Envy & How to Defeat It”
- 298: How Not to Read the Bible
- 331: How Asking for Prayers Can Be Evangelization
- 336: Tips If You’re Dozing Off During Prayer
- 353: Suggestions on Gifts for Priests & Religious
- 416: Fake Apparitions
- 440: Some of the Most Popular Confirmation Names
- 443: 10 Women Whose Motherhood Helped Them Become Saints
Sr. Helen Alford
Fr. Tyrell Alles
Alexis and Alyssa
Mike Aquilina
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Deacon Jose Arroyo
Dr. Matthew Ashley
Audrey Assad
Catholic Medical Association
Robin Atkins
Dr. Michael Augros
Rose Averill
Fr. Chrysostom Baer
Keenan Baldus
Dr. Brian Bamberger
Nancy Banczuch
Bishop Robert Barron
- 321: Evangelization & The Importance of Quality
- 431: Catholic Media, Evangelization, The Importance of Quality & “New Media”
- 437: Conference in March & Upcoming Synod
Doug Barry
Chris Bartlett
Fr. John Bartunek
Jennifer Baugh
Fr. Kevin Baumann
- 071: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1-Ministry and Dark Chocolate Conversations
- 076: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2- Ministry and Dark Chocolate Conversations
- 081: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3-Ministry and Dark Chocolate Conversations
- 086: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4-Ministry and Dark Chocolate Conversations
Meghan Bausch
James Baxter
- 198: “Those Catholic Men” Blog & Exodus 90
- 265: Recent Move to the Diocese & Success of Exodus 90
- 355: Exodus 90 Program
- 464: Leaving Seminary
- 489: Reach Dreams and Pray
John Beaulieu
- 109: Holy Spirit
- 164: The Need for Constant Conversion
- 217: Invitation: A Simple Way to Evangelize
- 239: The Trinity & Our Call and Need for Community
- 328: Renunciation & Sacrifice
- 396: Isaiah 53 & The Prophecy of The Suffering Servant
Richard Becker
- 033: Conversion Story and Call to Evangelize
- 059: Review the Remake of Ben-Hur
- 199: Recognizing God’s Greatest Gifts
- 220: Summer Stuff for Your Kids
- 220: Must-Read and Must-Watch
Kathleen Beckman
Naomi Beckman
South Bend
St. Jude South Bend
Dr. John Bergsma
Brian Bird
Cindy Black
- 043: Game About the Sacraments
- 069: Surprise Call: Upcoming Domestic & International Pilgrimages
- 089: The Future of Redeemer Radio
- 094: Puts a Bow on Sharathon with a Little Wrap-up
- 190: Theology of the Body
- 252: Convocation of Catholic Leaders
- 257: Theology of the Body Cont.
- 261: Theology of the Body: Male/Female Relationship
- 262: Bonus Episode 4
- 266: Theology of the Body: Intimate Acts- Holy vs. Profane
- 270: Theology of the Body: Expansion on Holy vs. Profane
- 275: Theology of the Body: Issue of Marriage & Divorce
- 280: More of Theology of the Body
- 294: Theology of the Body Thursday
- 299: Theology of the Body: Struggling Marriages
- 304: Theology of the Body: How Messages From Our Culture Can Sometimes Contradict the Truth
- 309: Theology of the Body: Male vs. Females and the Balance Between Equality and Gender Strengths
- 314: Theology of the Body: Equal Opportunities in the Workplace & Avoiding Gender Discrimination
- 319: Theology of the Body: Favorite Saint Pope John Paul II Quotes
- 327: Sex Scandals in Hollywood & Looking at the Root of Treating Others Like Objects
- 332: Continuing Discussion on Sexual Harrassment
- 345: The Value of Suffering & Offering It Up
- 354: Suffering & How It Fits In With What God Made Us
- 364: Relationship Between Christmas and Theology of the Body
- 369: Viral Facebook Post about Woman’s Party for Husband’s Vasectomy
- 374: Theology of the Body & How This Shapes Our Understanding of Being Pro-life
- 378: Theology of the Body & Breaking Down Writings of St. Pope John Paul II
- 392: Theology of the Body: The Mystery of Marriage
- 397: Theology of the Body & Reasons Why a Couple May Choose NFP
- 402: Theology of the Body: St. Mary
- 407: Kansas City Royals’ Decision to Take a Stand Against Pornography
- 412: Theology of the Body FAQ
- 417: Theology of the Body FAQ Part 2
- 421: Theology of the Body: Resurrection of Christ’s Body & The Resurrection of Our Own
- 425: Theology of the Body: Modesty, Love vs. Use, and Brain Scans on Objectification
- 435: Theology of the Body & Its Connect With Sharathon
- 444: Theology of the Body & Our Friends/Family Who’ve Left the Faith and Our Response
- 449: Theology of the Body & St. Pope John Paul II’s Teaching on the Significance of Our Bodies
- 454: Theology of the Body & the Hook-up Culture
- 458: Theology of the Body & the Visitation
- 463: Theology of the Body: Testing Cindy’s Knowledge
- 468: Theology of the Body: Male and Female
- 472: Personalism
- 481: Freedom and Theology of the Body
Jim Blackburn
Tyler Blanski
Fr. Philip Bochanski
- 297: Courage International & Same-Sex Attraction
- 348: Truth and Love Website & Church’s Teaching on Same-Sex Attraction
Dick Boldin
Steve Bollman
Ryan Bomberger
Maggie Bonar
Dr. Marie-Alberte Boursiquot
Scott Boyle
Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe
Arthur Brooks
Karlo Broussard
- 159: Miracles: What They Are and Why
- 294: Miracles of Fatima
- 446: Overcoming Obstacles to God, the Church, and the Gospel
Kim Brown
Sherry Brownrigg
Mark Brumley
Fr. Andrew Budzinski
Brittany Buell
Dr. Matthew Bunson
- 013: Freedom and Saints
- 056: Soon-to-be Saint Teresa of Calcutta
- 080: Highlights from the Jubilee Year
- 089: Books, Catholic Radio, and the Future of Faithworks
- 107: U.S. Bishops and What to Know About the Cardinals-Elect
- 133: Saint of the Day: St. Andre Bessette
- 169: His Article on Lenten Traditions
- 213: Why Church History Matters
- 215: Our Lady of Fatima Canonizations
- 272: Lesser-Known Martyrs & Martyrs of Otranto
- 326: “Encyclopedia of Saints” & What it Takes to Write an Encyclopedia
- 371: New Michelangelo Exhibit at the Met & Why He Was Important
- 461: The Church and Modern Marriage & Free Webinar
- 470: Doctors of the Church
Vicki Burbach
Jeanette Burdell
Fr. Eric Burgener
Joshua Burkhardt
Kevin Burns
Mary Ashley Burton
Brian Butler
Lauren Caggiano
Fr. Donald Calloway
Joe Campo
Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo
- 088: The Importance of Reading Scripture
- 102: The “New” Evangelization
- 127: Genealogy of Jesus
- 229: The Holy Spirit & Pentecost
Christopher Carstens
Tonio Caruana
Blessed Solanus Casey
St. Joseph Hessen Cassel
Father Gary Caster
Today’s Catholic
- 170: Andrea and Kyle Discuss Today’s Catholic February 27 Issue
- 243: Today’s Catholic Review on June 22
Matthew Celmer
Catholic Charities
Body of Christ
Catholic Church
- 242: “6 Things to Do When You Don’t Agree with a Teaching of the Catholic Church”
- 361: Andrea and Kyle on How to Make Parishes More Welcoming
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Memorial of Mary “Mother of the Church”
- 344: Symbolism of the Miraculous Medal
- 409: Saint Squad
- 457: “What’s With All the Standing, Sitting, and Kneeling at Mass?”
Cupertino Classic
Viva Bocce Classic
Anne Coakley
Br. Casey Cole
Jim Coleman
Called to Communion
Andi Compton
Bishop James Conley
Blane Cook
Fr. Charles Connor
Fr. Terry Coonan
Fr. Joe Corpora
Anne Costa
Lisa Cotter
Aly Cox
World Day of Prayer for Creation
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Stations of the Cross
Gretchen Crowe
Wendy Cukierski
Maureen Cummings
Rich Curran
- 250: Parish Success Group & How to Improve Our Parishes
- 255: How We Should or Shouldn’t Compare Parishes and Ministries to Businesses
Fr. Drew Curry
- 027: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1-Mexican Food
- 031: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2-Mexican Food
- 039: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3-Mexican Food
- 044: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4-Discussion in a Mexican Restaurant
Anthony D’Ambrosio
Marcellino D’Ambrosio
Fr. Sean Davidson
Diane Davis
Steve Dawson
Father’s Day
Memorial Day
International Women’s Day
St. Joseph Decatur
Jared Dees
Dr. George Delgado
Ryan DellaCrosse
Dr. Leonard DeLorenzo
Amber DeMatte
Dan DeMatte
Dr. Patrick Deneen
- 098: Common Questions Asked by Catholic Voters
- 100: A Post-Election Update and What We Can Expect From Our Newly Elected Officials
- 143: New President and What to Watch For in the Next 4 years
Dr. Adam DeVille
- 128: Summer Camp “Beauty Will Save the World”
- 206: Beauty & Icons
- 254: ISIS & What’s Promoted Their Cause
- 418: Summer Theology Institute: Beauty Will Save the World!
Fr. Dennis DiBenedetto
- 226: Why Indiana, Being a Deacon & Brotherhood
- 329: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1: His Childhood & What Brought Him to Indiana
- 334: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2: Holy Land & 1st Few Months as Priest
- 339: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3: His Appreciation for Eastern Expression of Catholicism
- 342: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4: Discussing Campus Ministry
Board of Directors
Doctor Doctor
Daryl Dodane
Coach Kevin Donley
Bill Donohue
Dr. Sr. Mary Diana Dreger
Fr. Bob D’Souza
Dr. Marguerite Duane
Vivian Dudro
Lisa Madrid Duffy
- 121: Divorced Catholics Can Survive the Holidays
- 429: Divorce and Annulment & Her Book “Mending the Heart”
Colleen Duggan
Bishop Dwenger
Becky Edens
Catholic Education
Fr. Terry Ehrman
Obianuju Ekeocha
Robert Ellsberg
Dr. Brian Engelland
Fr. David Mary Engo
Created Equal
Susan Erschen
Abigail Eschelbach
New Media Evangelization
Deacon Fred Everett
- 073: Upcoming Retreat for Married Couples
- 135: New Year’s Resolutions for Couples
- 362: Looking Back at New Year’s Resolutions for Couples
- 475: Ordination and Discernment of Deacon Fred Everett
Lisa Everett
- 073: Upcoming Retreat for Married Couples
- 135: New Year’s Resolutions for Couples
- 190: Miriam’s Blessing
- 219: Religious Freedom: Call to Action Sunday
- 262: Bonus Episode 4
- 362: Looking Back at New Year’s Resolutions for Couples
- 388: National Marriage Week & Importance of Investing in Our Marriages
- 493: NFP Awareness Week
Jeannie Ewing
- 007: “From Grief to Grace”
- 058: New Prayer Companion for Catholic Moms
- 279: Resources on
- 372: Overcoming the Sin of Vanity
- 390: Importance of Waiting & How We Can Wait With Purpose
Chris Faddis
- 326: Losing His Wife to Cancer & How the Community Came Together
- 343: Blended Families & Death of His Wife, New Marriage, and Children
- 350: A Moral Look at New Year’s Solutions
- 418: Personal Story on Making End-of-Life Decisions
- 460: Beginning of Life Health Decisions
Joe Farris
Vince Faurote
- 020: The Intern: Modern vs. Mideval Game Time
- 149: Mass Readings for Week of January 30
- 154: Mass Readings for Week of February 6
- 159: Mass Readings for Week of February 13
- 163: Mass Readings for Week of February 20
- 168: Mass Readings for Week of February 27
- 172: Mass Readings for Week of March 6
- 177: Mass Readings for Week of March 13
- 271: New Seminarian & Process of Discernment
Kathy Fech
- 053: How Pornography Destroys Relationships
- 076: Ministries for People with Disabilities
- 081: Extending Catechesis to Those With Special Needs
- 108: Family Formation
- 138: Baby Steps to a More Mature Faith
- 141: Advice to Get Kids of Various Ages to Appreciate Mass
- 158: Doubting Teens: How to Help Them Without Turning Them Away
- 174: Time, Talent, Treasure–And Your Kids
- 177: Miracles vs. Magic
- 183: Godparents: How to Pick Them and Be Them
- 204: Being Present and Engaging in Community
- 211: Catechesis & Collaborating With Parents
- 225: Spiritual Parenthood for Those Without Children
- 234: Magic and Demons
- 239: Dads and Faith
- 246: Modesty
- 250: Summer Church Activities & Vacation Bible Schools
- 258: Vocations & Fostering an Openness to God’s Calling
- 262: Bonus Episode 1
- 266: Various Options for Religious Education
- 268: Preparing Children for Sacraments
- 274: Evangelizing Kids
- 287: Ethnic Heritages
- 312: Teaching Prayers to Your Children & How to Get Youth Engaged
- 327: Heaven, Hell & Purgatory and How to Talk to Children About Death
- 335: Helping Children With Grief and Sharing Difficult News of Death
- 344: Celebrating Advent With Your Kids
- 347: Feast Days in December
- 358: Christmas Season, How Long We Should Celebrate & Some Tips on Celebrating
- 362: Setting Priorities as a Family
- 389: Mardi Gras & Lenten Suggestions
- 404: Lent Booster
- 416: Holy Week
- 419: Easter Update and How to Celebrate
- 432: Bringing Our Kids Into the Faith & Some Gift Ideas
Stephen Felicichia
Marge Fenelon
Dr. Ashley Fernandes
Dr. Eustace Fernandes
Dr. Edward Feser
Rekindle the Fire
Brian Fisher
Maureen Flynn
Cate and Mark Forbing
Fr. Lou Del Fra
Dr. Luis Fraga
Pope Francis
- 264: Prayer Intention for August: Artists
- 394: Wisdom, Tips, & Suggestions for Lent
- 451: Reflection on the Hail Mary
University of St. Francis
Frank Fraser
Matt Fraud
Everett Fritz
Msgr. John Fritz
Jennifer Fulwiler
- 124: Pope Francis Quote Game
- 160: Homeschool Kids Bring the Questions Game
- 164: Catholic Presidental Game
- 173: Catholigories
- 178: Game Time!
- 179: Over/Under
- 183: “Who’s that Old Testament Person?”
- 198: Hashtag Catholic
- 207: “Shakespeare or Scripture?”
- 212: Country Prominent Faith Game
- 217: Learn Something
- 220: Saints: Who’s That Parish Patron?
- 222: Catholic Terms in Other Languages
- 226: Where’s the Homily?
- 227: Name That Seminarian
- 231: How Faith and Culture Intersect
- 241: Bishops and Various Dioceses Around the World
- 245: Patron Saints for Various Occupations
- 246: Summer Catholic Trivia Challenge Pt. 1
- 255: Summer Catholic Trivia Challenge Pt. 2
- 259: Catholic Scientists
- 264: Catholic Artists
- 283: Bible Games
- 287: Patron Saints & Their Occupations
- 291: “This is Your Life”
- 292: Andrea Hosts the Game
- 297: Name That Religious Order-With a Twist
- 302: Johnny Appleseed Day
- 307: About the Rosary
- 312: Haikus Game
- 325: Saint Patronage Game Pt. 1
- 326: Saint Patronage Game Pt. 2
- 330: Creative Ways to Say the Names of Books of Bible
- 335: Bible Books in A Tweet
- 338: Over Under Game
- 340: Game with Andrea
- 343: Game on Giving Tuesday
- 348: “Hey, That Rhymes!”
- 352: Our Lady of Guadalupe
- 357: Advent Game
- 362: Bible vs. Kyle
- 367: Wisdom from the Created Book
- 368: Learning Something While Playing a Game
- 370: People or Things From the Bible
- 372: Spicy Game
- 373: Quote Game
- 386: Game
- 391: “Before and After”
- 395: Begins With R
- 400: “400 Is”
- 405: Some Religious Figures
- 410: Pope-Themed Game
- 415: “Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day” Game
- 419: Easter Hymn Game
- 420: Game with Rob Kaczmark
- 422: Poetry Game
- 423: Marian Feast Days
- 428: Game With Andrea
- 429: Game About SB Sharathon Day 1
- 430: Game About SB Sharathon Day 2
- 431: Game About SB Sharathon Day 3
- 435: Game About FW Sharathon Day 1
- 437: Workplace Patron Game
- 442: Various Abbreviations Around the World
- 445: Rosary Game with Jennifer and Greg Willits
- 447: Different Titles for Mary
- 452: Patron of the Arts
- 456: Game with Andrea
- 461: Various Couples Throughout Christian History
- 475: Over Under Equal
- 484: Servants of God
- 488: First Line Game
- 493: Saints That Were Parents
Daniel Garland
Rick Garnett
Fr. Bob Garrow
- 213: 100 Year Anniversary of Fatima Events
- 296: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1-Dark Coffee
- 301: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2-Americano Coffee & Pilgrimages
- 306: Flavor of the Week Pt.3-Fast Food Coffee & Chaplaincy at Bishop Dwenger H.S.
- 311: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4-Coffee & High School Athletics
Fr. Andrew Gawrych
Paul George
Ana Glaze
- 009: Movie Review of “Grease Live”
- 019: Review of TV Series “The Goldbergs”
- 042: St. John Paul II Documentary
Daniel Glaze
- 004: Movie Review of “Captain America: Civil War“
- 047: “The Rich Kids of Instagram” Documentary Review
- 061: Movie Review of “Concussion”
Mary Glowaski
Chris Godfrey
Pat Gohn
Rick Gonsiork
Dr. John Grabowski
St. Pius X Granger
Ann Gray
Dr. Tim Gray
Fr. Royce Gregerson
- 115: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1-Bacon
- 120: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2-Bacon
- 125: Flavor of the week Pt. 3-Bacon
- 134: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4- Bacon
Aurora Griffin
Dr. Michael Griffin
Fr. Daniel Groody
Eric Groth
St. Augustine Group
St. Vincent ADOPT Group
Widowers Group
Tom Gryp
Dr. Ray Guarendi
Dr. Dan Guernsey
Mark Guiney
- 259: Galileo & His Relationship with the Church
- 264: Storytelling & the Church
- 321: Parish Audio Tours and How to Appreciate Art & Architecture in our Churches
- 378: Sacred Etymology
- 391: Writing Fiction Books
Jenna Guizar
Fr. Mark Gurtner
Troy Guy
Fr. Donald Haggerty
Brad Hahn
- 309: Solidarity Healthcare
- 335: Ethics, Morality, and the Legal System
- 358: Religious Freedom & Difference Between Moral and Legal Obligations
- 376: Conscience Protection in 2018
- 385: March for Life, Conversations With Politicians, & Future of Healthcare Reform
- 386: How Small Businesses Can Provide Healthcare Without Violating Their Consciences
- 405: Single Payer System for Healthcare & Midterm Elections
- 426: Disruptions in the Healthcare Marketplace
Ken Hallenius
- 244: Talk with Ryan Bomberger About Race & Abortion
- 247: Pro-life Report from VITA Institute
- 262: Bonus Episode 5
Meg Hanlon
Joan Hardig
Dan Harms
- 064: Surprise Call: Becoming Saints vs. Going to Heaven
- 295: Live from Richmond, VA–Parish Needs & Big Young Adult Event
- 316: Live from Lancaster, MA–Update on Young Adult Event
- 424: Evangelization
Dr. George Harne
Maribeth Harper
John Harreid
Mother Dolores Hart
Kevin Hartigan
Fr. Christopher Hartley
Jessica Hartmus
Mary Haseltine
St. John School New Haven
Lisa Hayes
Chene Heady
Erin Heckber
Stacy Hefty
Judy Hehr
Amber Heimann
- 050: Her Work in Haiti
- 054: Some of the Dangers of Short-Term Missions
- 088: Surprise Call: After Hurricane Matthew
Cory Heimann
- 005: Leading with Beauty
- 011: Communication & Millennials
- 022: Truth, Beauty, and Goodness
- 028: Problems with Parody in Parishes
- 043: Likable Art Discussion on Story
- 048: The Future of Education and The Need for Community After High School
- 068: The First 5 Words of the Bible
- 072: The Importance of Ideas
- 077: Scratch Sessions: How to Find Great Ideas
- 104: Movie Review on “Hunt for the Wilder People”
- 121: An Inspirational Poem for Advent Season
- 191: Why Catholics Should Stop Defending the Faith
- 191: Catholicism: Why It’s the Widest Lens
- 264: Storytelling & the Church
- 311: New Project: “Created”
- 367: Some Wisdom from Catholic Creatives
- 401: Creative Spirituality for Lent
- 453: “Beauty and Buy-in” Presentation at Catholic Business Network
- 491: Saints With Saint Parents Game
Judge Jim Heimann
JoAnn Heimann
Dr. Kathleen Heimann
Kyle Heimann
- 436: How He Got Involved With Catholic Radio
- 438: His Story of Visiting Mexico City
- 463: Sacred Heart
- 487: The Road to Emmaus
Mark Hellinger
- 007: A Great Ministry for College Age Folks
- 018: Seminary Life
- 073: Surprise Call: Seminarian Check-up
- 201: Live at Bishop Simon Brute Seminary
- 351: Cupertino Classic 2017
- 479: When in Rome
Br. Silas Henderson
Lisa Hendey
Stephen Henley
Sr. Ignatia Henneberry
Julia Hogan
Michiana Homeschooling
Tom Hoopes
Fr. Dan Horan
Trent Horn
- 059: “Hard Sayings: A Catholic Approach to Answering Bible Difficulties” Book
- 127: Truth of the Nativity
- 216: “Why We’re Catholic” Book
- 283: “Why We Go to Mass”
- 348: “The Case for Catholicism”
- 375: “Trot Out a Toddler”
- 425: Evidence We Have For the Resurrection of Jesus
- 440: “What the Saints Never Said” Book
Dr. Michael Horne
- 396: How We Should Use Technology in Our Homes
- 427: Violent Video Games & Effect on People’s Compassion
Fr. Jay Horning
Diane Houdek
Dr. Paul Hruz
Cathie Humbarger
Stacey Huneck
Jenny Hunsberger
Emily Wilson Hussem
Paula Huston
Andrew Hyatt
Forever Learning Institute
Dr. Bradley Isbister
Stephen Jagla
Adam Janke
Fr. Joshua Janko
Gianna Jessen
Kaiser Johnson
Maria Morena Johnson
Cristy Jordan
Marsha Jordan
St. Joseph
Rob Kaczmark
Judy Keane
Jessica Keating
Jennifer Kedik
Fr. Michael Kerper
Heather King
Judy Landrieu Klein
Dr. Peter Kleponis
Lindsay Klinker
Joe Knepper
Ken Kniepmann
Fr. Glen Kohrman
- 049: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1-Parish Life
- 054: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2-Engineer
- 062: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3-Ministries
- 067: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4-In Mexico
- 290: Work with Catholic Medical Association
Dr. Peter Kreeft
Dr. Douglas Kries
President Sr. Elise Kriss
Caleb Kruse
Scott Kruse
Fr. Charles Vijay Kumar
Dr. Earl Kumfer
Fr. Bill Kummer
- 038: Catholic Education and Pope Francis’s Visit to Assisi
- 097: Saints, Souls, and Vocations
- 119: Catholic Acronym Game
- 133: Chat about the New Year
- 153: Catholic Schools Week 2017
- 171: Keeping the Lenten Momentum Going
- 193: Spring Break & Tips for Holy Week and Easter
- 210: Mary, the Month of May & First Communions
- 229: Marriage Season
- 253: Kummer’s Corner-Summer
- 267: Kummer’s Corner-Catholic Schools
- 286: Kummer’s Corner-Father’s Sales Pitch
- 310: Kummer’s Corner-Anniversaries in October
- 328: Kummer’s Corner-Honoring Souls of Deceased Loved Ones
- 346: Kummer’s Corner: Persecuted Christians, Advent, & Youth Ministry
- 365: Kummer’s Corner: New Year’s Resolutions, American Saints, & Catholic Schools Week Broadcasts
- 389: Kummer’s Corner: Lenten Suggestions
- 403: Kummer’s Corner: Lent, School Safety, and Volunteering
- 422: Kummer’s Corner: Easter Octave and Child Abuse Prevention Month
- 440: Kummer’s Corner: Faith In His Perspective as a Priest & May Being the Month of Mary
- 483: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1: Journey to the Priesthood
- 487: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2: Vicariate and Brother Priests
- 492: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3: Changes in Priestly Ministry Over the Years
Dan Landrigan
David Langford
Fr. Chris Lapp
Jacob Laskowski
Fr. Gary Lauenstein
Fr. Bob Lengerich
Brian Lennox
Dr. Douglas Leonard
Jay Leonard
Jon Leonetti
Tony Ley
Leah Libresco
Dr. Katy Lichon
- 279: Holy Cross Elementary School’s Double Immersion Program
- 439: Update on Holy Cross School’s Dual Immersion Program
Litany of Light
Catholic Link
- 274: “Benefits of Eating Meals as a Family”
- 363: “25 Ways to Be a Great Long-Distance Godparent”
- 390: What Should You Do for Lent?” Quiz
- 393: Some Tips for Lent
Dr. Derya Little
Carl Loesch
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Fr. Edward Looney
Abigail Lorenzen
- 251: Life Defender’s Boot Camp
- 298: 40 Days for Life 2017
- 377: FW March for Life and Legislative Forum
- 454: Her Journey With the Pro-life Community
Vickie Lortie
Fr. Jim Loughran
Chris Lowney
Sam Lyon
Dave MacDonald
Elizabeth MacDonald
Brian MacMichael
- 066: New Rite of Marriage
- 177: Lenten Liturgy Changes
- 182: Liturgical Music Part 1
- 182: Liturgical Music Part 2
March Madness
Patrick Madrid
Justin Magaldi
Relevant Magazine
Joseph Malham
Mike Mangione
Antonio Marchi
Avera Maria
Drew Mariani
Frederick Marks
Bob Marshall
Mary Martin
Fr. Nathan Maskal
- 032: WYD 2016 Update & A Game of Bible or Fortune Cookie
- 223: The Journey to Seminary and Ordination
- 262: Bonus Episode 3
- 459: Before They Were Priests
Fr. Burke Masters
Fr. Ryan Mattingly
Daniel Mattson
Shaun McAfee
- 366: How We Can Reform Ourselves
- 393: “Reform Yourself” Book: St. Francis de Sales
- 398: “Reform Yourself” Book: St. Ignatius of Loyola
- 403: “Reform Yourself” Book: St. Teresa of Avila
- 408: “Reform Yourself” Book: St. John of the Cross
- 413: “Reform Yourself” Book: St. Philip Neri
- 416: “Reform Yourself” Book: St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Fr. Richard McAlear
- 155: Healing Mass and Charismatic Movement
- 406: Healing Mass & How They’re Different from Anointing of the Sick
Dave McClow
Riley McCullough
Paul McCusker
Brandon McGinley
Dr. Thomas McGovern
- 085: Finding Joy in Suffering
- 317: Temperaments & How to Understand the Way God Created Us Differently
Katie Prejean McGrady
- 038: 1st Year Theology Teacher and Her Book “Room 24“
- 098: Highs and Lows of Natural Family Planning
- 426: “Who is Jesus?”
William McKenna
Charles McKinney
Deirdre McQuade
Fr. Wade Menezes
Works of Mercy
Fr. Jacob Meyer
- 112: Keeping the “Advent” in “Christmas”
- 126: Last Minute Tips for Christmas Prep
- 221: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1-Novena Between Ascension and Pentecost
- 230: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2-His Path to Priesthood
- 235: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3-Servers’ Program & Engaging the Youth
- 240: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4-St. Monica Mishawaka
Julie Meyer
Gary Michuta
- 110: Proof of God From Hostile Witnesses
- 332: Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger
- 390: Local Lenten Retreat & How to Help Those Around Us Return to the Catholic Church
Casey Miller
Adam Minnick
Colleen Mitchell
- 063: Encounters From Women in the Gospels
- 361: Book “When We Were Eve: Uncovering the Woman God Created You to Be”
Edmund Mitchell
- 001: Catechism and Scripture
- 045: 4 Aspects of the Gospel
- 078: Surprise Phone Call: Praying with the Bible and Catechism
Jimmy Mitchell
Made by Monks
Gene Monterastelli
Marianne Mount
Pro-life Movement
Fr. Ben Muhlenkamp
- 001: Flavor of the Week.Pt. 1-Guacamole
- 006: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2-Talk of Some Ministries
- 011: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3-Guacamole Showdown & Thoughts on Ministry
- 168: What to Give Up for Lent
- 176: Confession More Often and Less Awkward
- 401: Confession: When, Why, and How You Should Participate
Tim Muldoon
Dr. Andrew Mullally
- 003: Medicine and Catholicism
- 006: Physician-Assisted Suicide
- 014: Understanding Polst/Post
- 018: Abortion Medical Standards
- 022: Simon’s Law and Parental Rights
- 024: Organ Donation and Morality
- 029: When Early Inductions are Abortions
- 032: Critical View of Prenatal Testing
- 036: Some Challenges as a Catholic Physician
- 043: The Question of Circumcision
- 046: Contraception Description and Church Teaching
- 050: Natural Family Planning
- 055: Vaccines: Ethical and Medical Implications
- 062: Latest News on Antibacterial Soap
- 067: The Zika Virus
- 071: The Catholic Stance on the HPV Vaccine
- 076: Epidural Risks, Benefits, Pros, and Cons
- 084: Hippocratic Oath, the Physician, and the Modifications
- 085: Liturgical Organist Turned OB Doctor
- 113: Hand, Foot, and Mouth Illness
- 116: Pros and Cons of the Flu Shot
- 139: Physician Assisted Suicide
- 148: Life of the Mother Abortion Myth
- 163: Ethics Behind 3 Parent Embryos
- 232: Allergies
- 241: The Ethics of Head Transplants
- 251: Ethics of Refusing Treatment
- 256: Ethics Behind Medical Marijuana
- 262: Bonus Episode 2
David Naglieri
Mikey Needleman
Matt Nelson
Sr. Petra Nielsen OSF
Kelly Nieto
Dean Niewolny
Deacon Daniel Niezer
Ted Niezer
Parker Noll
Danielle Noonan
Fr. Jonathan Norton
- 144: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1 – Coffee
- 149: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2- Coffee & Navy
- 154: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3- Coffee & Homilies
- 159: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4- Kicking & Screaming
Patrick Novecosky
Daniel Oberreuter
Donna-Marie Cooper-O’Boyle
Mary O’Callaghan
Jim O’Day
Catherine O’Dell
Dr. Tim O’Donnell
Timothy O’Malley
- 002: Secret Life of Children
- 077: The Limits of the “Francis Effect” for Bringing People into the Church
- 095: The Politics of Saints
- 176: “Bored Again Catholic” Book
“The Light is On”
John O’Neill
Scott Opperman
Luz Ostrognai
Andrew Ouellette
- 008: Summer Youth Tips
- 079: “Einführung in das Christentum”
- 103: What is the Consistent Life Ethic?
- 109: Apostolic Letter- Pope Francis on Mercy
- 023: Holy Door Pilgrimage
- 028: Conversion Story
- 052: Book Review: The Joy of the Gospel
- 070: Brews & Reviews: Lord of the Rings
- 074: Brews & Reviews: All the Light We Cannot See
- 083: Book Review: Champions of the Rosary
- 126: Movie Review: Rogue One
- 130: Book and Movie Reviews
- 220: Summer Stuff for Your Kids
- 220: Must-Read and Must-Watch
- 246: Youth and Young Adult Synod
Melissa Overmyer
Keith Owen
Tara Owens
Mike Pacer
Chris Padgett
- 062: Conversion Story
- 067: Why It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
- 161: Fatherhood: Making Mistakes and Starting Over
- 471: Catholic Fam
Jim Papandrea
Married Parents
St. Faustina Parish
Logan Parrish
Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Stephanie Patka
- 004: Snapchat, Jobs, and Laughing Too Hard
- 009: Communications, Creativity, Art, and Media
- 013: Catholic FAQ on Mary
- 019: How to be a Safe Pilgrim
- 025: Moral Relativism vs. Absolute Truths
- 026: “The Ultimate Catholic Quiz: 100 Questions Most Catholics Can’t Answer”
- 032: Stephanie Gives a Pilgrims Update
- 037: Return from 2016 World Youth Day Pilgrimage
- 042: How Are We Sharing Our Faith?
- 047: “How Can We Improve As a Church and How Can We Live Out Our Faith As Individuals?
- 052: Faith and What Inspires Us
- 057: Today’s Catholic Review on September 16, 2016
- 061: Ministries For Adults/Young Adults
- 065: “What About Breakfast at Stephanie’s”?
- 070: Update for the Diocese-September 2016
- 079: Update for the Diocese-October 2016
- 083: Today’s Catholic Review on October 12, 2016
- 092: Today’s Catholic Review on October 27, 2016
- 096: Diocese Update November 2016 and Thrivia Thursday
- 101: Today’s Catholic Review on November 10, 2016
- 106: Diocese Update November 2016
- 114: Stephanie calls Kyle at 4:15am
- 123: Diocese Update December 2016
- 132: Today’s Catholic Review On January 6
- 137: Today’s Catholic Review on January 12
- 142: Diocese Update January 2017 and Catholic World At Large
- 147: Today’s Catholic Review on January 26
- 152: Today’s Catholic Review on February 2
- 157: Today’s Catholic Review on February 9
- 162: Today’s Catholic Review on February 16
- 166: Today’s Catholic Review on February 23
- 175: “Leaving the Light On” & Today’s Catholic Review on March 9
- 180: Today’s Catholic Review on March 16
- 185: Today’s Catholic Review on March 23
- 189: Today’s Catholic Review on March 30
- 193: Today’s Catholic Review on April 7
- 197: Today’s Catholic for Holy Week
- 200: Episode 200 of the Show Celebration
- 205: Today’s Catholic Review on April 27
- 209: Locals Heroes and A Pope Goes to Egypt
- 214: Diocese Update May 2017 & Outreach to Mothers
- 219: Today’s Catholic Review on May 18
- 224: Diocese Updates May 2017 & Today’s Catholic Review on May 25
- 224: Diaconate and Priesthood Ordinations in the Diocese
- 228: Today’s Catholic Review on June 1
- 233: Today’s Catholic Review on June 8
- 238: Today’s Catholic Review on June 15
- 243: USCCB Meeting, New Archbishop & Corpus Christi Procession
- 248: Today’s Catholic Review on June 29
- 284: Today’s Catholic Review on August 30
- 354: World Youth Day 2019
Joseph Pearce
Dr. Jennifer Perone
St. Peter
Tom Peterson
Fr. John Pfannenstiel
Dust from Phatmass
Dr. Dan Philpott
- 100: Christianity Under Attack
- 151: Refugees and the U.S: Catholic Perspective of Executive Order
- 165: Documentary “Under Caesar’s Sword” and Christian Persecution
- 387: Under Caesar’s Sword & New Study Program on Religious Persecution
Teens and Phones
Carolyn Pirtle
“The Good Place”
Health Care Plans
Andrew Polaniecki
Fr. Dan Ponisciak
Dr. Greg Popcak
Jacob Popcak
Judge Charles Pratt
- 068: “Great Kids Make Great Communities” Program
- 303: “Great Kids Make Great Communities” & How Church and Community Can Make This Happen
John Pratt
John Preiss
- 234: 2016 Statistics from Newly Ordained Priests
- 443: Discernment Process & Giving Their Lives to Serve
Nate Proulx
Dan Pryzbyla
Redeemer Radio
Steve Ray
Rose Rea
Sally Read
Mass Readings
- 182: Mass Readings for Week of March 20
- 191: Mass Readings for Week of April 3
- 202: Mass Readings for Week of April 24
- 211: Mass Readings for Week of May 8
- 216: Mass Readings for Week of May 15
- 221: Mass Readings for Week of May 22
- 235: Mass Readings for Week of June 12
- 240: Mass Readings for Week of June 19
- 250: Mass Readings for Week of July 3
- 254: Mass Readings for Week of July 10
- 258: Mass Readings for Week of July 17
- 263: Mass Readings for Week of July 31
- 268: Mass Readings for Week of August 7
- 272: Mass Readings for Week of August 14
- 277: Mass Readings for Week of August 21
- 282: Mass Readings for Week of August 28
- 296: Mass Readings for Week of September 18
- 301: Mass Readings for Week of September 25
- 306: Mass Readings for Week of October 2
- 329: Mass Readings for Week of November 6
- 334: Mass Readings for Week of November 13
- 342: Mass Readings for Week of November 27
- 347: Mass Readings for Week of December 4
- 351: Mass Readings for Week of December 11
- 366: Mass Readings for Week of January 8
- 371: Mass Readings for Week of January 15
- 376: Mass Readings for Week of January 22
Sr. Agnes Marie Reagan
Jeremy Reidy
New Year’s Resolutions
Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades
- 029: World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrimage
- 033: Homily at Our Lady of Czestochowa
- 066: Getting the Call to be Bishop
- 069: The 2016 Election and What Catholics Need to Know About Being Faithful Citizens
- 080: Making the Most of The Year of Mercy
- 089: A Sample of His Talk from Faithworks
- 119: 12th Anniversary of His Ordination as a Bishop
- 127: How to Prepare Us for Christmas
- 137: Gaza, CRS, the Pope, the Election, and Martin Luther King Jr.
- 147: Trip with Catholic Relief Services to the Middle East
- 150: Celebration of Excellence in Catholic Education
- 152: Refugees and Pilgrimage
- 194: All About the Chrism Mass
- 214: Baccalaureate Mass Homily
- 238: Special Announcement
- 280: His Statement in Support of the DREAM Act
- 285: Truth in Charity Portion from August 30
- 352: Truth in Charity Portion from December 6
- 359: Truth in Charity Portion from December 20
- 447: Truth and Charity Portion about Month of Mary
Truth in Charity with Bishop Rhoades
Fr. John Riccardo
- 323: His Ministry & How He Prepares for Homilies and Talks
- 430: His Vocation and Dedication to Evangelization
Dr. Bob Rice
Dr. Lance Richey
Peg Riggs
Clare Roach
John Robinson
John Roedel
Robert Rogers
Molly Roman
- 179: Career Ministry at St. Vincent de Paul Fort Wayne
- 370: Career Workshops & Helping Kyle Find Hopefulness
Devin Rose
Connie Rossini
Stasia Roth
Fr. Stanley Rother
Saint Run-downs
Dr. Lester Ruppersberger
Fr. George Rutler
Visiting the Blessed Sacrament
- 161: 21 Different Ways to Find Saints to Whom You Can Pray
- 256: Some Causes for Canonization & New Information
- 328: Why Our Catholic Churches Have Patron Saints
- 361: Andrea and Kyle Pick Their Patron Saint for 2018
- 426: Young Saints
- 427: Interesting/Cool/Awesome Saints With Upcoming Feast Days
- 441: Saints With Feast Days in May
- 446: Andrea Discusses Saint Feast Days
- 451: Saints With Upcoming Feast Days
- 460: Andrea Discusses Upcoming Saint Feast Days
- 485: Saint Names We Won’t Use for Our Kids
Philip Sakimoto
Lisa Salas
Kelly Salomon
Eric Sammons
- 193: The Old Evangelization
- 215: Evangelization Myths
- 272: Book “The Profession”
- 344: Tradition of the Jesse Tree
- 349: Bitcoin & How It Can Be Used to Help the Poor
Lara Samms
Catherine Fowler Sample
Marilyn Santos
Mike Savieo
Heidi Hess Saxton
Jeff Schafer
Tony Schafer
Angi Scheid
Fr. Dan Scheidt
- 095: Surprise Call: All Souls’ Day and How to Honor Those Who Have Gone Before Us
- 408: Lenten Pick-Me-Up Homily Clip
Bill Schmitt
Mariam Schmitz
- 039: Miracles of Fatima
- 060: Surprise Call: Back to “Normal” and Our Lady of Fatima
- 213: 100 Year Anniversary of Fatima Events
- 302: Today’s Catholic Article about Children’s Adoration
- 399: Today’s Catholic: Cathedral Museum
- 482: An Old Handwritten Bible
- 482: Truth and Charity 1-Year Anniversary
Fr. Mike Schmitz
Jake Schneider
- 227: His Journey to Seminary & Discernment
- 318: First Few Months of Seminary & What Seminarians Do At Mount St. Mary’s
Ron Schoeman
Elle Schoenherr
Marian High School
Msgr. Bill Schooler
Taylor Schroll
George Schwartz
Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre
Andrea Serrani
- 029: Surprise Call: Life With New Baby
- 065: Review of Netflix Show “Stranger Things”
- 150: Religious Orders Game Pt. 2
- 262: Bonus Episode 1
- 262: Bonus Episode 2
- 262: Bonus Episode 4
- 281: Book Suggestions
- 403: The Prophetess Anna & How She Can Inspire Us in Lent
- 406: Flexibility of Devotions
- 436: How She Got Involved With Catholic Radio
- 463: Sacred Heart
- 487: The Road to Emmaus
Xavier Serrani
Leo Severino
- 204: Spring 2017 Sharathon Highlights
- 315: Participating in Fall 2017 Sharathon
- 434: Talking With Redeemer Radio Board Members
Russell Shaw
Gianna Sheibley
Charles Shepherd
Amanda Martin-Shepherd
Sr. Ann Shields
Fr. Tom Shoemaker
- 465: Flavor of the Week Pt.1: Dentist to Priest
- 469: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2: Budget Travel & Illegal Masses
- 474: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3: So Many Hobbies
- 479: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4: Pope on a Rope
Joe Sikorra
Fr. Charles Sikorsky
John Sikroski
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers
Fr. William Slattery
Fr. Andrew Small
Dr. Matt Smith
Dr. Carter Snead
- 017: Fortnight for Freedom and the Supreme Court’s Latest Ruling on Abortion Case
- 153: Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Gorsuch
- 262: Bonus Episode 5
Fr. Solanus Casey Vocation Society
Mary Sperry
- 073: Ways to Declutter Your Spiritual Life
- 406: “Making Room for God: Decluttering and the Spiritual Life”
Fr. Robert Spitzer
Dr. Edward Sri
Tim Staples
Dr. Michelle Stanford
Chris Stefanick
Joel Stepanek
- 005: “Jesus In The Tanning Bed”
- 017: Importance of Discernment and How to Do It Well
- 087: About His World Youth Day 2016 Presentation
Spenser St. Louis
Multi-step Strategy
Lee Strobel
Duncan Stroik
Dr. Chris Stroud
Nancy Jo Sullivan
James Summers
Wendy Summers
Catholic Creatives Summit
Trinity Sunday
Maria Surat
Sarah Swafford
Megan Swaim
- 015: Faith-Filled Summer Activities for Kids
- 020: Mini Pilgrimages with Your Family
- 115: Adventing with Children
- 220: Summer Stuff for Your Kids
- 229: Graduation Gift Ideas
- 347: St. Nicholas & Christmas and Santa
- 441: Teaching Children About Mary & Fostering a Devotion to Mary
Jon Sweeney
Catherine Szeltner
Deacon Mel Tardy
Andrea Thomas
Thrivia Thursday
- 152: Patron Saints of Schools
- 157: Love Edition
- 162: February 16
- 166: February 23
- 170: March 2
- 175: March 9
- 180: March 16
- 185: March 23
- 189: How Many Popes?
- 197: April 13
- 200: Easter Octave Edition
- 205: April 27
- 214: Fatima Edition
- 219: Diaconate Ordination
- 224: May 25
- 228: June 1
- 233: Sacred Heart
- 238: Bishop Edition
- 243: June 22
- 248: June 29
- 252: July 6
- 257: July 13
- 261: July 20
- 266: August 3
- 270: August 10
- 275: August 17
- 285: August 31
- 294: September 14
- 299: September 21
- 304: September 28
- 309: October 5
- 314: October 12
- 319: October 19
- 327: November 2
- 332: November 9
- 345: November 30
- 350: December 7
- 354: December 14
- 369: January 11
- 374: January 18
- 378: January 25
- 388: February 8
- 392: February 15
- 397: February 22
- 402: March 1
- 407: March 8
- 412: March 15
- 417: March 22
- 421: April 5
- 425: April 12
- 439: May 3
- 444: May 10
- 449: May 17
- 454: May 24
- 458: May 31
- 463: June 7
- 468: June 14
- 472: June 21
- 486: Father/Son Version
Deacon Jim Tighe
Tommy Tighe
Church Life Today
Doug Tooke
Teresa Tomeo
Sr. Alicia Torres
Jennifer Trapuzzano
Stacy Trasancos
- 082: Faith and Science: Truth, Religion, and Chemistry
- 325: The Science of Fetal Pain & Pro-life Politics
Tim Trout
Dr. David Tyson
Jerry Usher
Msgr. Peter Vaghi
Tony Vasinda
- 002: Beards, Balms, and Youth Ministry
- 090: No-Shave November and the Nazarite Challenge
- 338: Founder of Project YM & Youth Ministry in Uganda
Gerard Verschuuren
St. John Vianney
Emma Vinton
Sr. Jeana Visel
Our Sunday Visitor (OSV)
Brandon Vogt
- 045: Return: For Parents of Children Who Have Left the Catholic Church
- 174: How to Be a Confident Catholic
- 284: Rise of Atheism
- 285: Resources & Community at ClaritasU
- 408: Books Recommendations for Various Characters
Fr. Dave Voors
- 446: Flavor of the Week Pt. 1: Family Life and Vocational Call
- 451: Flavor of the Week Pt. 2: Angels and His Devotion to Them
- 456: Flavor of the Week Pt. 3: Mentoring Seminarians in the Parish
- 460: Flavor of the Week Pt. 4: Father’s Unique Way of Praying
Dr. Kevin Vost
Fr. Neil Wack
Katie Warner
Matthew Warner
- 051: His book “Messy & Foolish” Inspired by a Quote From Pope Francis
- 129: Reading the Catechism in 2017
Holy Water
Sherry Weddell
What Would You Wear Wednesday
Whivia Wednesday
Catholic Schools Week
Holy Week
Natural Family Planning Awareness Week
Saints of the Week
Scott Weeman
Steve Weidenkopf
Bill Weingartner
Andrew Weiss
David Werning
Christopher West
Fr. Augustine Wetta
Kate Wicker
Philip Wiese
Dr. Benjamin Wiker
Shawn Williams
Greg Willits
- 291: Background in Evangelization & “Tied in Knots”
- 445: Brand New Rosary App & Coaching Webinar
- 467: Be Happier and Exceptional
- 480: Be Happy & Being 18
Jennifer Willits
- 445: Brand New Rosary App & Coaching Webinar
- 467: Be Happier and Exceptional
- 480: Be Happy & Being 18
Walter Willits
Dr. John Wood
St. Joseph the Worker
Bear Woznick
Dr. Terrence Wright
Catherine Yanko
Ashley Zahorian
John Zarse
Fr. Thomas Zehr
“Sister” Mary Zentmyer
Jennifer Zurbuch